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PrimSavers 2 Prim "Farah" 2 Seats Couch - 12 Textures

PrimSavers 2 Prim "Farah" 2 Seats Couch - 12 Textures

Thank you for your interest in PrimSavers products. We strive for exquisite quality and extremely low prim count.

We only live twice!

This is a beautiful 2 Prim 2 Seat Couch, sculpted, that if made with conventional technology would be 64 prims (!!). Please feel free to take your time to zoom in on all the details and observe the complexity of both the frame and the seat itself. The Seat is made such that it's not a flat square surface, but it's rather dented, lowered, to give the feel as it was sat on, making it feel much more natural. The detail is, of course not only visible from close up, but you can safely zoom out and the item will keep the shape, being superbly rendered in low LOD settings.

I spent extensive time to texturize this item (and the other seating items in the set). The first texture took close to 20 hours (!!). Keep in mind the seat itself is ONE prim. That means the whole texture, seat, back of the seat, handles and such, are all in one texture, unlike conventional prims that have 6 textures for even a simple box. Being an engineer, I approached this design in a very detailed manner and calculated thoroughly placement for each little piece of the texture making in the end a collage from close to 60 different textures (for each little piece of the seat) in order for your experience to be as enhanced as possible. That being said, I am extremely happy with the result. I offer you, as usually 12 textures to choose from for the seat itself and 12 for the frame (LONG click on seat or frame and, as owner, you will get an option to change texture.

Obviously, aiming to have made the best low prim livingroom in Second Life (and now you own it!) the perks can't stop there. I went out of my way to purchase exquisite animations for the seat, and included 5 sitting animation for each of the two persons allowed to sit as well as 4 highly detailed cuddle animations - feel free to try them, there is no such thing as static pose that would be acceptable for this set. (Armchair in set has 6 highly detailed sitting animations).

Animations have been set in separate prims in order to avoid conflicts around certain bugs in SL that make single prim items with multiple sitting targets not usable in areas that are overlapped by binding boxes of huge sculpties - i.e. mountains, hills, grass, snow, etc. If the previous statement seems too technical, just ignore it :)
Right click on either the SEAT or the FRAME in order to sit. Once sat you will be offered a menu that allows you to change the chosen animation, but you can click on either the SEAT or the FRAME, based on where u first sat. If you are the second person that sits you are defaulted to the FRAME. Please understand how this works, so that you are able to successfully choose your animation and thus enhance your experience. Both the FRAME and the SEAT are easily accessible to click.

Included in the set are:
2 Prim Armchair (x2)
2 Prim 2 Seat Couch
2 Prim 3 Seat Couch
1 Prim Coffee Table (x2)
1 Prim Bookshelf
1 Prim Floor Lamp

A livingroom in 12 prims while looking like 400 prims while each item changes 12 different textures!
The Couches and Armchair took a total of over 65 hours of work.

You only live twice

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