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[Primbean Coffee] Valentine Dessert Display

[Primbean Coffee] Valentine Dessert Display
[Primbean Coffee] Valentine Dessert Display
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The Primbean Coffee Valentine Dessert Display is a 65 prim high detail, sculpted, dessert display made for Valentine's Day. It's no copy, but has five treats that are copy/trans. Perfect for a nice surprise for your valentine, or for parties, events, restaurants, or decor.

Treats include:
Vanilla Cupcake
Red Velvet Whoopie Pie
Strawberry Milk
Chocolate Cake

Click the display for a menu to select a treat. Each treat includes an eating animation, the cake comes served on a plate and will give you a fork to eat with.

L$ 50

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Bosatsu Labs
Bosatsu Labs
Sold by: Stewart Bosatsu

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