Thank you! For your interest in the Prisoner Transport Coach.
This is a REALLY big wagon with a lot of detail, carefully crated to enhance your decorating or Role-playing needs. So because of that it needs a REALLY big horse to pull it. For that reason it has been adjusted to fit the Teeglepet Clydesdale horse, however that being said, really any horse can pull it with a little gentle modification.
On to the information.
Lowest LI (nothing attached or added to it) - 27 LI (That would be the display version)
Horse Avatar version 28LI
Driven with a wearable horse like WH - 28 LI
Teeglepet Clydesdale with the heavy harness from Teegle attached to it - 84 LI
The wagon is drive-able on all version except the Display version. The display version does have all of the animations in it.
Both doors open
Both Front and rear bed gates open
The Display/Horse Avatar/Driven (For wearable horse) versions all have seating for 4 Avatars *you might get away with 5 on the Driven (For wearable horse version) but it would be a tight squeeze on the front driver seat and would require adjustment. Type /1a in chat to do that.
Teeglepets linked version has seating for 3 due to SL limitations.
Avatar animations and seating:
Driver - Driving + 3 masculine animated sitting poses
Prisoner Front seat - 1 seated animation
Prsioner Rear seat - 1 Seated Animation
Prisoner Wagon Bed - 1 Seated on the floor animation
The wheels spin on all but the Display version wagons.
Unique sounds have been embedded on the Driven (For wearable horse) version (Touch the roof to start and stop the sounds. Touch anywhere on the wagon to change useage permission owner/public)
Horse Avatar version can be verifiably used with Teegle/Water Horse - Can be used with RH, and Twi, but may produce unreliable results.
All wagons are copy/mod and help is available and free within reason.
Instructions for use with Teeglepet horses can be found here. Make sure you have the latest version of whatever Teeglepet you are using.
Linking non copyable Teeglepets is not recommended
- Drive-able Vehicle
- Working Doors and gates
- unique animations
- seats 3-4 Avatars
- Teeglepet Compatible