PsiNanna, Inc. has a long history of partnerships with other companies, one such company is Waste Services! Waste Services is the world leader in garbage and recycling removal and disposal!
The Waste Services Dumpster+Trash Pack is a small pack that includes a sci-fi/cyberpunk stylized dumpster, a trash pile and a trash bag.
The dumpster comes with a convenient menu for cycling through 3 different trash types (or empty), 9 different colors, and four door open/close configurations. It weighs in at only 2 LI!
The trash pile is fully modifiable for resizing and reconfiguring manually and also comes with a convenient menu for cycling through the three available trash types. It weighs in at only 1 LI!
Finally, the trash bag is a simple 1 LI trash bag that can be used as decoration and is perfect for adding into both the dumpster and the trash pile!
We hope you enjoy making a mess with our trash! :D
-Skye Flaks, PsiNanna, Inc. CEO
- Trash!
- Dirty garbage!
- A dumpster!
- Full of toxic garbage!
- Yeah!
Very distinguished and high quality garbage.
As the crowned trash king I know good trash when I see it, and by divine providence I am lord of all trash I survey, thus I needed this the moment I saw it.