G Général

Pumpkins Builders Kit

Pumpkins Builders Kit

✪5x no mod Sculpt Maps
✪3x Fullperms UV Maps (baked textures)
✪1-3x Prims
✪3x Examples [no transfer]

Fullpermission rights
Selling within your own creations with limited Permissions. Sculpty Maps, Textures and Script must not be sold or giving away.

No Fullpermission selling or giving of any changed or unchanged contents of this Item.

***Grid TOS***
All Builders Kits by ~*SculptyliciouZ*~, which were purchased in Second Life , Xstreet SL or Second Life Market are only allowed in the Official Second Life Grid!
Any violation against this terms of service leads to a DMC report.
SculptyliciouZ reserves the right to publish its builders kits in other grids.

©Copyright of All Content of the Product by Justyn Blackburn and ~*SculptyliciouZ*~

Instructions de téléchargement Voir l'article dans Second Life