[Pu!se] Jet Ski Wake Attacker REZZER - Group & Everyone Edition! Version 1.5
Jet Ski Wake Attacker Rezzer v1.5
Finally its here! after huuude demand i decided to finally release a rezzer version! :D It includes 2 rezzers, one rezzer rezzes a GROUP jetski, meaning you have to be in the same group or an EVERYONE jetski wich everyone can use!
Also both version includes the waketube wich anyone or the driver can rez out from the jetski and tow! :)
..:: Controls ::..
Throttle - W or Arrow UP
Turn Left - Arrow left or A
Turn Right - Arrow right or D
Tight Turn Left - Arrow left or A + SHIFT
Tight Turn Right - Arrow right or D + SHIFT
Ski Mode Power Control - Page UP and Page DOWN
..:: Gears ::..
There are 3 different gears, Dock Mode, Cruise Mode and Ski Mode.
In Ski Mode you can also adjust power by pressing "E or C // page up or page down"
..:: Rezz ::..
Rezz or ADDONS is where you rez your towables. To add ADDONS or towable fun toys simply right click edit on the jetski, select the content tab and drag and drop it in there from your inventory.
..:: Modding ::..
The Jetski itself is MOD and COPY so you can apply your own textures.
Later if not already released you can buy the jetski self texture kit to get fullperm AO baked textures and UV maps. wich u can download to your pc and edit in photoshop or whatever you wish to make new textures.
..:: Passangers ::..
Its scripted to be seating 3 people on the jetski, Driver and 2 passangers on the back. both passanger seats on the back also contains av positioner scripts and 2 different sitting animations. plus 4 different camera settings.
..:: Touch For Menu ::..
To open the menu, click on the seat or the front part of the jetski. reason for this is because i wanted to be able to drag the jetski around with the mouse withouth the menu popping up all the time whenever u click. Also you can open the jetski menu by clicking the jetski icon on the HUD.
..:: Color Changer ::..
The jetski contains 12 premade colors, that is Purple, Red, Yellow, Lime, Orange, Pink, Dark Green, Grey, Light Blue, Black, Blue and Brown. (( to make your own textures, see the jetski self texture kit ))
..:: Trailer Button ::..
this button allows you to put your jetski on the nearest trailer, but be warned, rezzing multiple trailers might confuse the script... click "move up" to put the jetski on the trailer or click "take down" to move it down from the trailer. also if your trailer is slight rotated down towards the water a cool effect will show, well not cool but a reasonable one where u see ur jetski slowly moving down towards the water.
..:: PERMS ::..
You can set the permissions on the jetski to let others or only group or everyone ride YOUR jetski, options are GROUP, OWNER or EVERYONE. its kinda self explanatory.
..:: Lock JetSki ::..
This buttons doesnt lock the jetski from useage for other people (( use PERMS )) but it does lock it in place, aka turning physical OFF, meaning it wont drift off or you are unable to push it. reason i did this is because in the future if not already implemented a wipeout system meaning you can fall off the jetski.
..:: Give HUD ::..
If you havent already the HUD, you can use this button to obtain a HUD, this button also work for passangers if they have permission to use your jetski.
..:: HELP ::..
This button gives you "THIS NOTECARD" and explains how and what you can do with the jetski, this button also works for passangers if they have permission to use your jetski.
..:: Eject ::..
With this you can eject passangers from the jetski, simply click eject and choose the name of the avatar you wish to remove/eject.
..:: AV Position ::..
This function allows you to adjust your avatar position on the jetski, at the moment the positions are not saved within the script but in the future we will somehow save the position so you dont have to readjust everytime you sit or use the jetski.
..:: UPDATES ::..
Jetski will automatically check for updates everytime you use it or rez it, so to check if you are on latest version either just rez your jetski or visit the page on marketplace to see wich is the latest version.
..:: SUPPORT ::..
Having any kinda of problems or a bug with your jetski?, just IM or send a notecard to Zslash Cyberstar, please note that my IM's are capped most of the time so its best to write your message in a notecard and just send it and i will reply as fast as possible! Thanks!
Troubles with this product!
It's honest an awesome product. But it drags my sim performance down big time. https://gyazo.com/4fc1070b131c1af47467734a02aa63c6 when I removed the rezzers it's solved.. it keeps on returning. I try to contact the creator no resonde! So I give a bad revieuw till I get some help.. It's not the sim, we recent moved, and also here the same issue. It restores when we remove them..