G General



Two seat quadcopter

Owner or public use, lights and sound control, Cruise Control, change with menu.

Mouselook flight.

Copy and mod perms, apart from scripts.

Average rating: full star full star full star full star half star
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well made!
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted June 03, 2022 by Elwe Ewing

Wonderful mesh item, very carefully designed, a joy to pilot it, lovely flight-model (not the usual "hover"). Price is honest. It mostly does what it tells. Moddable also (so I'll probably try to re-script ;)).

Some LITTLE cons too: (I details to the sole creator's purpose)

1. 18 scripts, many of them are there only to setup the link they're into: nowadays we should be able to use LlSetPrimitiveParams()/LlSetPrimitiveParamsFast() to reduce scripts number, memory foootprint... so "lag"

2. too much menu buttons (11) doing the same thing: there is "light on" but "light off" too, what about "light on" toggles to "light off" in the next menu?
Same thing for Cruise, Sound, etc.: just need 6 buttons at all:
1 Engine
2 Cruise
3 Sound
4 Lights
5 Spot
6 Access (Public | Owner, maybe adding Group too?)
I would add:
7 Cam (to have more presets: chase (default), fixed, over, under, flyby, etc. AND "reset" too, for when lag/cross-sim hits)

3. speed seems fixed: what about being able to give a command (maybe by gesture) on a non-public channel: /123 sp 0 (stop) ... /123 sp 9 (100%), maybe /123 sp -1 (reverse), or to give a very slim HUD for such functions?
(one of the function should be to show height/speed by means of llSetText(), e.g. Instruments on/off)

4. cruise control, at my (few) tests, tend to "drift to left" after a sim-cross, 'cause of lag (not all the times)

All above said, if one would ask me if I like to re-buy it: YES! Good Job. :-)

(5th star if such features will be added)

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Cool and low lag
full star full star full star full star full star Posted May 22, 2021 by Businka Koskinen

Smooth flight and very good sim borders crossing. More speeds options, fuel system and functional cockpit with nav lights, strobs etc. needed imho

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