-RC- Creeper AO
An AO that makes you walk around like you're tiptoeing and creepy. You can even scare people!
This works so good if you have a mask on.
Say this in open chat to scare someone:
/5 spook [avatar name]
5 Stands
Creepy walk
Spooking anim
Chat activated scare-er
Some of the GIF anim examples below!
Please be aware that Redd Columbia is no longer available in-world. This store closed in 2019 and items are available for nostalgia seekers!
No Bento
No Face Anims
I recently needed to creep around a crowded hangout to peep some duds, no one was the wiser. Creeped right on by. People don't even notice you creeping around their skyboxes. Beautiful, 5 stars
L$ 15
Unpacking Required
This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.
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- User Licensed