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**RE** ReVoX Cora Necklace & Earrings RLV BOX Version 3.0

**RE** ReVoX Cora Necklace & Earrings RLV BOX

.: RealEvil Industries :.
**RE** ReVoX Cora Set RLV * MESH *
*Necklace & Earrings*
*OpenCollar Scripted*
*Multiple Textures*
** ReVoX** Collection*

- Beautiful presence | Natural shine | Ladies only -
- Original Design & Textures | High Quality & Detail | Unrigged High Quality Mesh -
- HUD | Texture change | Resizable -
- 12 Hearts, 12 Beads, 12 Metals & 12 Leathers -
- 3 Necklace Styles -
- OpenCollar Scripted | RLV Enabled | Updatable* -
- Deletable Scripts | Updater -
- Unrigged Mesh -


▶ Included OpenCollar features ◀

Lock | Capture | Leash
Apps: Bell, Bookmarks, Titler (floating text)
Animations: Pose, Couples (Couple hug | Couple Kissing etc.)
Hide/Show Necklace
RLV (works only with RLV enabled)
# Folders
Force Sit (on object or ground) | Force Stand
Restrictions: Send IMs, Read IMs, Hear, Talk, Touch, Stray, Rummage, Dress, Dazzle, Daze
Force Teleport (works through normal teleport when RLV is enabled for both the owner and sub)

▶ More apps/addons can be added/purchased separately ◀


- **RE** ReVoX Cora Necklace RLV A
- **RE** ReVoX Cora Necklace RLV B
- **RE** ReVoX Cora Necklace RLV A + B
- **RE** ReVoX Cora Earrings L&R (no mod)
- **RE** ReVoX Cora Set HUD
- User Guide
- BackUp Box
- Pose Stand
- Help Center ( Group Joiner, Support & ToS, F.A.Q. etc)
- Main Store LM


1. This product is COPY / MOD / NO TRANS. All sales are final.
2. Mesh requires a Second Life v2.0 compatible viewer.(Official Viewer, Firestorm etc.)
3. RLV requires a viewer the supports it, like Firestorm. The official viewer does not support RLV yet.
4. Make a backup copy before resizing. This product comes with a Backup Box included.
5. This product comes with unaltered (vanilla) OpenCollar scripts and apps, apart from the customization related scripts (if included) which are not modifiable.
6. This product is modifiable only for updating purposes. We are not responsible if you break the collar by updating it, changing it’s name or parts descriptions, unlinking or removing the linked parts, changing the textures, altering the tint, adding additional apps, adding, modifying or removing scripts and parts.
7. If included, additional package contents like HUDs, customizations scripts, Update cards, pose stands etc, are not modifiable or transferable.
8. OpenCollar is a set of LSL scripts and all sort of creative content, such as motions, sounds, graphics and 3D models, which can be used to create role play devices for the metaverse. OpenCollar is created by volunteer contributors. It is copyleft and freely distributed.
9. Future OpenCollar updates might change it’s contents and functionalities. Functions and abilities might be added or removed.
10. This product works with OpenCollar 7.0 API and it is updatable to OC 7.XX.
11. OpenCollar credits list can be found here: https://github.com/OpenCollar/opencollar/graphs/contributors
12. This product might need updating to the latest OpenCollar version after you buy it.


Thank you for your consideration.

See item in Second Life
  • HUD - texture & resizing
  • High Quality Mesh
  • OpenCollar 7.XX Scripted
  • Deletable scripts
  • 12 leathers, metals, beads and hearts
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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i love this collar
full star full star full star full star full star Posted January 29, 2016 by Kio86

i really love it! but i want to add mama allpa Open-Collar Plugin i add it and ones i put collar on it disappeared.. can ony one help. Thanks

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Gorgeous collar
full star full star full star full star full star Posted August 04, 2015 by Indaliai

the designer is very kind and helpful. He even tried to help me with a collar made by someone else. i highly recommend these items, this store. Quality and kindness, quite a combo!!!

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Lovely collar
full star full star full star full star full star Posted November 05, 2014 by Jenni Darkwatch

Not as obvious as a regular collar, yet with all the regular collar goodies. The collar itself is mod which is great. The earrings are not, unfortunately, which put a little dent in applying materials support to them :) Not a biggie but something to be aware of and definitely not distracting from the excellent quality of this beautiful collar.

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