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RF Theatre Stage, Theater, Stage

RF Theatre Stage, Theater, Stage
RF Theatre Stage, Theater, Stage
0 Reviews

This stage is 100% Mesh, giving it extra detail and better appearance than most other stages out there, with lower PE/LI (land impact) than most while also being fully, and easily, customizable. Instead of making one large mesh object, the stage uses several smaller mesh prims linked together so it can be resized, or have parts removed easily without breaking anything. Each Mesh prim is also UV'ed to use any normal texture you like (no weird shaped specific texture layouts). Also, the scripts included to make the curtain and profile picture display work are full perms, so you can modify them how you like.
Real Physics Curtains so you don't walk through them, but you can make them phantom by setting the physics type to None in edit.

Size: 26x17x9 meters

Only 31 Pe/Li (land impact) at current size
* Enlarging the stage may increase Pe
* Unlinking parts may reduce Pe

- There are 2 curtain control panels, one on each side of the stage
- Max touch distance is set to 9m, to limit curtain control to the people on the stage (don't want the audience closing the curtain during a show)
- Very simple menu with 3 buttons for curtain control
[Close Menu] = this closes the menu and removes the listen to reduce lag
[Open] = opens the curtains, if they're closed
[Close] = closes the curtains, if they're opened

- displays the profile picture of the person that touches it, if they have a profile picture
- when touched again it displays the default texture supplied (you can add your own default texture, like your logo or whatever)

You can unlink any parts of the stage you don't need or want. Unlinking parts can reduce the PE/LI :)
- to unlink prims -
- edit the stage
- select Edit Linked Parts in the edit window
- select the prim you want
- hit ctrl + shift + L (lowercase L)

- if you don't want the profile picture display, you can unlink and delete it
- if your stage is against a wall on the left side, you can unlink and delete the stairs on the left rear
- if you don't want the front stage floor lights, you can unlink them and the light beam prims



  • 100% Mesh Prims
  • Real Physics Mesh Curtains that Open and Close
  • Built in Profile Picture Display
  • Copy/Modify so you can Modify it how you like
  • Simple easy scripts

L$ 500

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Restrained Freedom
Sold by: Katie Paine

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  • Copy
  • Modify
  • Transfer
  • User Licensed
Automatic redelivery
Mesh: 100% Mesh
Land Impact: 31