ROMAH-Tech Light Saber Sword Ultimate
ROMAH- Technology
Advanced Light Saber Sword Ultimate Combat Weapon
* Include Built-in Saber Sword Custom AO Animations
* Complete Sounds
* Stunning Effects
* 4 Modes:
- Low (Practice): intended for practice. No damage and little push.
- Normal (Default): every day saber use. Medium damage and push.
- High (Damage): When there is a threat on hand, this is the mode you want. High damage and a lot of push.
- hitkill (Killer): This is the insanity mode. It will launch someone nearly across a sim and do the maximum amount of damage it can. Use this mode with respect.
2 Styles of Fighting with diff Animations: Basic - Strong
You will get 2 types of saber swords, 4 with different colors controlled by chat commands with 2 Notecards for "Controls" & "Commands".
+ Professional Version Saber Sword Controlled by Menu with unlimited colors options.
Enjoyable Fighting-Defense Experience
For Support Please send Message Inworld.
It doesn't work at all. And you can't even use it as a prop because the blade doesn't come out. Don't buy this garbage.
i can't get it to work and i got a script warning!!
HELP us?