This set contains all the RED items from the VIRON-M line, which include:
- Helmet
- Neck Corset
- Waist Corset
- Gloves
- Thigh-high Platform Boots
- Thigh-high Ballet Boots
Save L$705 compared to buying individual items separately.
All items are 100% fitted mesh. Fitted mesh is rigged to collision bones, which basically means it adjusts to more body shape values (e.g. Body Fat) compared to normal rigged mesh. This generally results in a better fit.
Please TRY THE DEMO to test the fit (demo is no-mod) - please visit the in-world mainstore for the "Complete Set" demo.
You can change the tint, shine, glow, and fullbright of all the various components via HUD. Glow animation has adjustable speed, direction, and contrast.
The items each come with a specular map, and has adjustable specular gloss and strength, all via the HUD. However, please note that specular effects require "Advanced Lighting Model" to be enabled in your viewer (Preferences -> Graphics -> Advanced Lighting Model), and will only be obvious with a nearby lighting source.
NOTE: If the mesh does not load correctly (e.g. missing/floating parts), please try restarting your viewer - that usually fixes it.
- An unrigged (re-sizable) version of the helmet is also included, with a resize/stretch script (though the neck sleeve is still rigged and cannot be resized).
- While it is best to wear the helmet with the neck corset, it can also be worn by itself. The helmet has 3 neck sleeve lengths (selectable via the HUD), each with its corresponding alpha layer. If you are wearing a neck corset together with the helmet, it is best to wear the "Neck + Helmet" alpha.
- Boots include walk/run sounds (OFF by default), with adjustable volume and tempo to better suit your walk/run animations. Waist and neck corsets contain optional pose animations to keep back/neck straight (OFF by default). Use the settings tab on the HUD to access these options.
- Includes "combined" alphas for those who use viewers (e.g. phoenix) that only allow one alpha. This allows multiple ROSAL mesh products to be worn together. Combined alphas are located in a box, which needs to be unpacked.
- Modify-enabled. However, note that since this product is made of rigged mesh, you cannot resize or reposition any part of it relative to your avatar.
Please drop Tsarina Mint an IM if you have any questions or feedback.
See item in Second Life- 100% fitted mesh
- Parts can be tinted individually via HUD
- Specular maps and effects (requires Advanced Lighting Model)
- Combined alpha layers are provided (to reduce alpha layers)
- Animated glow lines with adjustable speed, direction, and contrast
I love this
I really like the look of this outfit. kind of sad that the hands aren't Bento but that doesn't distract how amazing it looks.
P.S: Pity only the red set is available, whatever happened to the other colors or the color fatpack?