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RP-Chic Mime Pierrot stripe body

RP-Chic Mime Pierrot stripe body

complete rigged mesh costume ,
pant and shirt in size XS, S, M, L, XL
suspenders in M, XL,
rigged mesh gloves
Beret, cloth on neck, red nose
Alpha Layer,
pant and shirt, socks , gloves layer
for classic Avatar ,

costume suitable for mesh and classic Avatars

  • rigged mesh shirt
  • rigged mesh pant
  • rigged mesh suspenders
Clasificación media: full star full star full star empty star empty star
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Pros & Cons
full star full star full star empty star empty star Publicado October 28, 2020 por ROCKO567

Pro - it's made well and looks good.

Cons - even though you have on your own shape you're unable reshape this and only a few sliders work so you're stuck with a rather chunky looking avatar.
Makeup sold separately

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