G General

<R:S> Freedom Gundam Version 1.1

<R:S> Freedom Gundam

<R:S> Freedom Gundam (Full Mesh Avatar Set)

=== Parts List ===

= Freedom Avatar =

• Built in particle effects for the two main thrusters

• Wings unfold during flight

• Approximately 8 feet tall


= <R:S> Basic AO = (Provided as a seperate item, completely optional)

• Nine basic animations. Stand, walk, run, ground sit, jump, hover, fall, land, and fly.


= AO Sound Module = (Optional)

• Adds walk sound, run sound, and shutdown sound (Ground sit).


= Full Alpha + Shape = (Required)


=== Armaments & Stats (LLCS) ===

= MA-M20 "Lupus" Beam Rifle = (Short to mid range beam rifle with a slight focus on damage)

• Max Range: 100m

• Max Damage: 34 (Up to 25m)

• Falloff Damage: 13 (25m-100m)

• Firing Rate: 1.5s (delay between each shot)

• Magazine Size: 8

• Reload Speed: 2.5s


= Beam Saber = (Scripted Beam Saber with HUD and animations, but no LLCS damage)

• Stats: N/A


= Shield = (Unscripted shield worn on left arm)

• Stats: N/A


=== Extras ===

= Freedom Gundam = (Unscripted Version)

= MA-M20 "Lupus" Beam Rifle = (Unscripted Version)



(Please note that you need advanced lighting enabled to see this avatar at its best, all screenshots were taken with maximum graphic settings.)

  • High quality mesh avatar
  • Scripted Beam Saber with HUD
  • Scripted Beam Rifle
  • Thruster Effects