<R:S> RGM-79 GM (Full Mesh Avatar)
=== Parts List ===
= RGM-79 GM Avatar =
• Built in particle effects for the two main thrusters
• Built-in sounds. Walking, Running, and Shutdown (Ground sit).
• Approximately 7.6 feet tall
= R:S Basic AO =
= Full Alpha + Shape = (Required)
=== Armaments & Stats (LLCS) ===
= [BR-M-79C-1] Beam Scatter Gun = (Quick-firing short range beam pistol with a respectable magazine size and short reload time)
• Max Range: 50m
• Max Damage: 12 (Up to 25m)
• Falloff Damage: 6 (25m-50m)
• Firing Rate: 0.6s (delay between each shot)
• Magazine Size: 14
• Reload Speed: 2.0s
= [XHB-L-03] Bazooka = (Medium to long range bazooka with incredibly high damage, but with a long delay between shots)
• Max Range: 125m
• Max Damage: 65 (Up to 45m)
• Falloff Damage: 40 (45m-125m)
• Firing Rate: 6.5s (delay between each shot)
• Magazine Size: N/A
• Reload Speed: N/A
= Beam Saber = (Scripted Beam Saber with HUD and animations, but no damage)
• Stats: N/A
= Shield = (Prop)
• Stats: N/A
=== Extras ===
= RGM-79 GM Avatar = (Unscripted Version)
(Please note that you need advanced lighting enabled to see this avatar at its best, all screenshots were taken with maximum graphic settings.)
- High quality mesh avatar
- Scripted Beam Scatter Gun
- Scripted Bazooka
- Scripted Beam Saber
- Scripted main Thrusters
recently getting into gundam, and this is a great way to express my love
Wonderful! I love it! Gm is the cutest suit for sure. I love the sounds and boosters!