G Generell

R(S)W Quilt Shelf - Fall Leaves

R(S)W  Quilt Shelf - Fall Leaves

Halloween is coming! Celebrate with this cozy quilt showing a black Halloween Jack Cat in a witch's hat, laughing under a full moon.

It features a warm wooden shelf, with a wooden Boo! decoration on it. The letters on the decoration, the ghost, and the features of the pumpkin all glow in the dark, if you have ALM (Advanced Lighting Model) enabled in your preferences.

Out of the box, the decoration is linked with the quilt and the shelf, but you can unlink it, remove it if you don't care for it, or use it somewhere else! (Instructions for unlinking are included, if you're not sure how to do that.)

The shelf is warm stained wood, and just the right size to hold any knick-knacks that you would like to put there.

The quilt is a stunning large square with a central panel that has an original image of a Halloween cat next to a jack o' lantern carved into a cat face. Surrounding the panel are a multitude of squares with different halloween fabrics, and the candy corn border mentioned above, for a truly festive effect.

There is a normal material on the quilt, so it responds to SL light, for added realism.

Best of all, you can easily replace the quilt image with your own pictures; so you can have it as a banner for a birthday, a reminder of a special occasion, or display the quilts you have made in RL. (There are instructions included, if you're not sure how to do this.)

The quilt and shelf are 2 linked objects, and are 2 LI. Linked with the Boo! decoration, they remain 2 LI. (It's one of the 0.5 LI things.)

The Trick or Treaters will love this, and so will the people at your Halloween party!

Artikel in Second Life anzeigen
  • Beautifully detailed mesh
  • Shelf lets you add any additional decorations you want
  • Quilt and shelf are two separate pieces
  • Replace the quilt texture with your own
  • Uses materials for realistic quilting