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R(S)W Talking Hearts Copy/Mod

R(S)W Talking Hearts Copy/Mod

This Valentine's day, help yourself to as many little candy hearts as you want!

You can rez the box in world, or hold it in your left hand. Anyone who touches it will get a menu asking which of six colors they want to pick.

Pick one, and the heart asks you for permission to attach. Say OK, and it flies into your hand. You'll spend a moment holding it, so you can read what it says. At the same time, the heart will whisper its saying in Chat. Each color will randomly give you one of 4 sayings; 24 in all.

Then you'll pop it into your mouth, and it will vanish. The hearts never go into your Inventory, so you don't have to find them, and they won't contribute to inventory bloat.

Just in case you would rather just use the box for decoration, there's a closed box, that has all the individual pieces of candy, with no scripts, included. So you can rez the candy, and just leave pieces around if you want! (Since this box is copy, you can leave lots of pieces!)

This box is Copy/Mod, so you can put them out all over the place, make them as large as you want, and not worry about SL inventory eating them. (Silly SL; Talking Hearts are for Avies!)

But you won't be able to give them to anyone (unless you gift them from here.) If you want to be able to hand them to someone, I do sell a Transfer version as well.

Come see the candy boxes at Livingtree!

See item in Second Life
  • Wear or Rez the Box
  • Gives unlimited candy hearts with random sayings
  • Custom Animations to hold and eat the heart
  • Highly Detailed - cutout shows actual candy, not texture
  • Very LOD resistant - lowest LOD has closed box, not "gone"