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RT- Simple Tattoos- His Rose

RT- Simple Tattoos- His Rose

I don't know about you, but I like a nice simple tattoo. I don't want to be covered in ink all the time and i like them to be short and to the point. So with that in mind i have Created Simple Tattoos.

This Tattoo is His Rose.

There are three layers that can be worn as BOM. in the box and an Omega Applier.
This was modelled on a Maitreya girls body and a Signature boy.
Please refer to the photo for look and placement.

Items in box

Omega Applier
Tattoo layer
Vest layer
Shirt layer.

River Airy

See item in Second Life
  • omega applier
  • BOM layers
  • Vest
  • Maitreya
  • Signature