A full fitmesh furry avatar with many, many features and plenty of ways to customize including a detailed animated face, different tail options and much more!
Includes links to a thorough development kit.
Dynamic blush layer added
SL skin and full perm skin textures provided for 3rd party appliers. - Which you will find in the miscellaneous folder delivered from the main box.
Two head versions - one separated for use with other bodies.
Detailed HUD with many options and features. (7 pages)
By Raawr Avatars
- Version 1.2 closely follows SL Skeleton for better fitting clothing and hair
- Modular and segmented body with alpha cuts
- Dynamic blush layer
- Sl Skin and full perms skin textures included for 3rd party applications
- Male, Female and Femboy bodies delivered from the box into neat wearable folders
Love this Avatar!
looks great, works great, super cute! i do have some notes if you're thinking about buying it...
it's a rigged mesh head, upper body, hips-thighs, and digilegs-feet. however, the ears and tail are not rigged. they are mesh and move via scripts. you could use ear-bone animations to move the ears (or alt-ear bones, like the MOR rabbit parts).
the hands are static. the facebones aren't rigged, that i can tell, but i have no idea how they do that really smooth 'talking' animation. it is very smooth and detailed.
the mesh body is NOT SLUV/LLUV, though it does come with head/upper/lower textures you can use on a BOM body, if you want. you could also try using the textures on a bento tail. or sample colours from them to paint a square tail texture.
the hud has a link to a devkit, but sadly the site no longer exists. i found my mesh clothing for gianni fit the male body probably better than my human male bodies :X of course, the alpha slice hud helps a lot with that.
if you're tempted by that cute face like i was... DO EET!