% Rachel All-Season Outdoor Seating *MESH*
![% Rachel All-Season Outdoor Seating *MESH*](https://slm-assets.secondlife.com/assets/18390931/view_large/RachelAllSeasonsSeatingMainAdPic.jpg?1505805173)
*Please Note: I have only included warm-weather images due to a lack of time to take others. Until they are in the listing, please feel free to visit the main store via the link in blue below, and test the item in person. They'll be located on the roof. I'll get the other photos up soon!*
This seating set has 65+ animations for up to two avs. There are animations for single M/F as well as friends and PG couples. The set includes several original animations, and a generous number of food and activity wearables.
There are 15 texture options for the seat, seat piping, towels and blankets via a button in the sit menu. You can decide who is able to operate the texture menu (all, group, owner only.)
Five of these seats can be placed end to end, (all facing in,) to make a complete circle.
You can have one towel, one blanket, or neither showing at any given time. The texture options are based on warm vs cool weather, which is an option also available with the Riley Cart. The cart, along with the Randy Firepit and Fountain, (both sold seperately,) were made to coordinate with this item. There are also Cocoa and Popsicle dispensers, (sold seperately.) Please see related listings below for those items.
The Rachel seating has a sit that uses a mug of cocoa as a wearable. The Cocoa Dispenser, (sold seperately,) uses the same mugs as standing wearables when clicked. If you own both, and have both rezzed, the wearable mug from the seating will MATCH whatever texture options you've chosen for the Cocoa Dispenser. If you do not have the Cocoa Dispenser rezzed with it, the wearable mugs for this item will remain black and white.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to send me an IM. Thanks! :)
See item in Second LifeA Gorgeous and Unique Set
I came across another item on MP, and I'm a big lover of vintage everything, so I tp'd over to Plato's store. This store is not familiar to me, however, at some point, I had purchased the Karl chair, so I was surprised that I didn't remember this creator and their goods. Right on the roof is this set, and I was struck immediately. It ticks all the boxes - a unique shape for a lounge suite, and though it's outdoor seating, I very happily set it up in my open plan lounge. It's texture change, with options to have a blanket accentuate the seat or to change the color of the piping and seats, of course; it's curvy, colors are plentiful and reminiscent of 'Fifties color schemes, and it has a plentiful food and dining and activities menu, besides the sits, so not a boring couch with only 4 sits, at all! The food and drink auto-attach which is such a handy addition to the SL menu, and for the price, it's a bargain! I've spent thousands of Lindens over the years for lounge suites, so I'm very fussy before spending Lindens as my inventory is not happy, however this set is a definite keeper. Looking around Plato's store, I see that nearly every item isn't cookie-color; indeed, they are unique and retro. Go ahead, purchase this and many more items from Plato! You won't be sorry!