I wanted to do a project where I only used 1 script for the entire thing this Radar Lite HUD push’s the limits of what can be done with 1 single script “Mono 64kb” I have gone over and over the code adding functions while reducing the amount of byte code used So what does it do?
Well for one it is a radar that will display the first 10 avatars around you with ether there full name or display name the choice is yours. It will show there distance in meters from you it will show how much script memory they are using and the number of scripts they have on. The names will also be displayed in Red if they are within chat range so you can always see who can listen to your local chat. The memory display info will be change to a (+) if the avatar enters mouse look.
Clicking any name on the HUD will slide out a small profile viewer showing there full avatar name there avatar age in years/months weather or not they have payment info and there avatars height. “Clicking on the profile picture will enlarge it so you can see it”
The Radar can be set to show 4 different types of sensor information
Avatars: Shows avatars around you
Scripted: Shows scripted Objects around you. This is good for detecting chat Spy objects that someone might leave in your house to listen in on your Text chat. Or just to find any odd objects that you do not know about. Also I have used this option to detect some weapon attacks like deformers and stealth/invisible traps. Because it will show the object name and you can click the name of the object to bring out the owners profile.
Active: Physical objects Moving Or Scripts Processing data
Passive: Non physical objects Or Physical Objects Not Moving
If you attach the Object pointer it will allow the particles to point to Objects making them much easier to find.
It will display and count the number of times you have teleported since the time you attached the HUD. The teleport count is stored within the script itself I basically added this to prove that the script never needs resetting it is possible due to lag to cause a stack heap collision error or an asset server reset that the teleport counts will be lost although I haven’t had this happen in the 3 months I have been working on this project.
It will display the land info Picture after you teleport “Clicking this picture will enlarge it so that you can actually see it”
The HUD will also show you a green bar that moves according to how laggy the sim is. Red being very laggy and not worth being there to full bright green meaning a very healthy sim.
You can minimize the entire HUD by clicking the small arrow at the bottom of the HUD
The HUD will shrink down and only show a small lag meter.
The HUD has a text chat spam detector inside that will slide out 2 options once it detects spam these are MAP: if clicked this it will open the map and you can teleport to the offending avatar or object/objects to quickly mute the owner. DEBUG: if clicked will output the name and position on the object to the debug channel this will appear to be an error message but it is not an error.
If someone types your name in local chat. It will show a Dialog message and play a beep sound. This is so that if you are not paying attention to SL maybe you are in youtube or in forums and someone says hi your name you will not miss it.
You can set an away message and set away on the HUD without appearing away inworld and if some one says your name in local they will be sent a dialog message saying that you are away right now with your away message.
The first time you attach the HUD you will see a Dialog message asking you to adjust the floating text of the HUD you can move it up or down once you see the text aliened correctly you can click done and this script will be deleted.
So what are the other buttons?
Last: This will output the last person who used channel 0 or local chat to the debug channel… This will also appear to be an error message but its not it will be information on the last person who used channel 0 you might ask why I chose to do it this way. I have a simple reason if some one was flooding the screen with loads of text you want be able to see or copy and past there name to mute them if that makes sense im not sure if it does but it does to me. Also this Last button can be used to find out who has used a chat say script. Im sure we all know the ones that show Some.Name: Said some thing…
Stop: The stop button is used along with the object pointer this stop button simply stops the particle beam.
Options: Will toggle the Options dialog open and closed.
Ops ive run out of room to explain any more please see the note card inside the box.
- Find Spy objects
- Show memory usage
- Lag meter
- Name say beeper
- Display Names
for the most part it does most of what it says it does however few minor problems after unboxing and testing out this hud testing it out no profile picture of my friend however i did get a side pop out was easy to set up and where it says land again no picture of the map for current location clicked to enlarge both avatar and land picture and did not get any map or avatar picture could just be sl could be a bug words on the hud are blurry so not exactly easy to read unless you stare at them for a minute or two tried a relog didn't fix the issues 3 stars it was only 10 lindens so no real big loss
This is a GREAT Hud
It is super low lag, full of awesome uses, easy to use, I give it ***** . Keep up the great work Grid, thumbs up. :)
Nice app but having text problems
This app is useful except I'm having problems with the text displayed for the avatars and script objects. The text is red and extends beyond the hub and is not readable. I tried to align the text when it first started but I hit the Down button once and the alignment menu went away and I can't get it back. I wish the text looked like it does in the image on this page.
Another issue I had was placement of the hub. When I first started it, it was offscreen and I had to edit the hub to bring it make it visible. Also, the minimized screen didn't position itself based on where I aligned it when it was maximized so I had to edit that too.
The other features are useful and I like that I can see the lag feature when the hub is minimized.
I would give it 5 stars if I could get the text issue fixed.
OK seriously though, this works great!
OK I'm testing this against three others, some were pretty high priced.
It doesn't do up in the air apparently so not showing those avis, but not sure that matters to me.
but what does matter is that I don't have to right click tons of moving avis to get to their profile info and whether they are premium age-verified users or not on general parcels (such as sandboxes).
So far this is awesome!!
Buttons clear, good size, workable size on the monitor.
I love the profile thing, where the picture opens with the important profile stuff and picture goes bigger. Once a single avis pic is bigger, I can click down the avi names and pic changes to each of their pictures (staying large size).
The only thing missing is the text of their profiles which was important to me today. I was looking only for a radar list of names that when I clicked a name their actual profile popped up in a browser window straight to full SL profile. its the text I wanted. so if the summary that popped up in this even had the first oh thirty characters of their profile bio text and sent a link in chat to their SL public profile that would have been heaven! I'd have paid ten times this for that!
But for L$10 this is a awesome HUD, really, and the script for all this fancy user-friendly stuff it does comes in at a tiny 64kb!
We should just be buying, and saying thanks.