Raijin Fujin Sliding Door
This is the reproduction of the set of Japanese traditional painting of Fujin Raijin (Wind God and Thunder God) made by Tawaraya Sotatsu.
The sliding door have, on the one side the painting before restoration, and the other side the restored version.
Just one click to open/close the two internal doors, that goes inside the lateral paintings, so the two gods are always visible.
The sliding animation is smooth and synchronized with the sound.
Is possible to resize the doors in height and width, to do that you just have to resize the root prim (the prim with Raijin).
When root is scaled to the right size, at first touch (opening or closing the doors) the other prim will be reset in proportion to the root.
The permissions of this sliding door are Mod/Copy, so if you want change texture, make them full bright, ecc. You can do it.
The script inside are Copy only.
Wonderful and so cute! Great details and price, low prim.
I have used it as a middle wall to divide my sitting room with my bed room! Lovely idea from designer to create this divider as a door opening and closing!
Thank you creator for your lovely art work! Hugs ^,^