This script changes the face colors of prims and/or meshes.
The new color to which the face changes is totally random.
The change happens gradually in a number of steps. (If step is 1 the change is instantly).
The face colors are stored so they will be restored when the process stops.
Starting the change can be done by touching the prim in which the script resides,
or, when in a attachment, by saying "on" on the ListenChannel.
Stopping is done by touching the prim again, or, when attached, by saying anything else than "on".
If all the faces have the same color, they all change to the same new random color.
If one or more faces have a different color from the others, all faces change to individual
different colors.
Faces that need to keep their original color can be added to the NoChangeFaces list.
When touching to start, the script OwnerSays the face number of the face clicked.
This way one can easily determine which face numbers need to be added to the NoChangeFaces list.
The color changing only happens in the script containing prim.
If the script is in the root of a linkset, only the root prims colors are affected.