Random Gift Giver (Box)
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Give out random gifts (or even gift cards)!
The Random Gift Giver is designed to only give out 1 (random) gift per avatar and can store up to 9000 avatars. It can also be setup to give out a unlimited amount of gifts.
- (Optional) Group Mode (only group members can get a gift when On).
- Log (avatar name, date/time and item).
- (Optional) Limit Give (1 item per avatar).
- (Optional) Memory Overwrite (continue giving out gifts after memory is full).
- 4 versions (300, 1200, 4500 and 9000 avatars).
- Customizable box and ribbon colors.
- Fully customizable blue menu text.
- (Optional) Group Mode.
- Log (avatar name, date/time and item).
- 4 versions (300, 1200, 4500 and 9000 avatars).
- (Optional) Memory Overwrite (continue giving out gifts after memory is full).
- Fully customizable blue menu text.