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Re-lighter - real hardware club lighting system

Re-lighter - real hardware club lighting system

.: Special June promotion :.

To celebrate out third year of activity in SL and the new partnership with eSimple Studios, we’re launching a special offer with a 20% price cut on all our top-products until the end of June.
Take advantage of this offer now and visit our shop’s page for more awesome deals!

..: Ploreho design :: Re-lighter - real hardware club lighting system :..

Test it directly at my shop: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Osaka/70/22/33

Re-lighter is a club lighting system designed for commercial and personal use. Commercial as, it's perfect for clubs or activities in general that benefit from a great visual impact on the people participating in it, and personal in case you're organizing parties or just want to impress your friends with some great lights game.
The device will rez real hardware lights that will cast a user defined color, moving through a user defined path, and providing the feeling of a _real_ club lighting system, like the ones used by real LJs in all the popular real life clubs.
Re-lighter makes use of OpenGL hardware lighting, therefore you will have to enable "Nearby local lights" in your SL viewer, under Edit -> Preferences -> Graphics Detail -> Lighting Detail.
This "light" version follows a "fire & forget" attitude, just rez it in-world and enjoy the show!

Some random facts:

- LOW LAG: all of the light effects are rendered locally on your computer
- COPIABLE! Yes you heard good, unlike most of my products, Re-lighter is copiable! Buy once, use as much as you want, in as many places as you can put it
- FREE automatic updates delivered to you by my update servers network: just rez your device and get the incoming goodies
- Full product support, should you have any problem with it
- Compiled in Mono for best performances!

This article comes in a boxed version, once you have received it, rez the box on the ground, right click on it and select Open. There are your goodies ;)

..: What's new :..

- NEW: all scripts recompiled in Mono for best performances

..: Chat commands :..

Re-lighter will automatically activate itself once it's rezzed on the ground. Should you need to stop it for any reason, you can type /11off in open chat to turn it off. To switch it back on, type /11on
The device cast 3d lights around you with indipendant "hovering" emitters, therefore if you remove the device for any reason before turning it off, the light effect will keep going for up to a minute before it automatically disengages.

..: About SmoothTrace© technology :..

Re-lighter is the first product of its kind to introduce smooth movement for its emitters to allow for an even more realistic behaviour.
Jittery light beams are a thing of the past, with SmoothTrace© the lighting of your space will be even more stunning and beautiful.

..: Product updates :..

You will automatically receive free updates to the product when they will come available. The update check is issued every time you rez your Re-lighter.

..: Users group and website :..

Ploreho design Clients - http://www.ploreho.com

..: Support :..

To provide you with the best customer support service possible, your basic information (such as AV name and key) will be stored in our databases in order to register your sale and allow us to operate the update system and send out global notices to our customers. In no case your information will be disclosed to a third party entity, but they will be used to the only purpose of customer support & technical information. Should you have any more question regarding this, feel free to submit a request to privacy@ploreho.com.
Should you have any other problem, don't hesitate to contact me in-game (Gabriel Watanabe) or send an email to support@ploreho.com detailing your problem and avatar name.

  • Lag-free
  • Mindblowing functionalities
  • Real-time hardware lighting
  • SmoothTrace© Physical lighting technology
  • Perfect for clubs!
Average rating: full star full star full star half star empty star
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full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted February 01, 2021 by Emeline Thibedeau


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