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Realistic Animated Water Texture - Full Perm - DT Material Collection Version 1

Realistic Animated Water Texture - Full Perm - DT Material Collection

Downloadtexture.com specialize in high quality seamless textures for the gaming industry, 3d artists, web designers and other specialist content.


✔ 1 standard water texture


✔ 1 specular texture map
✔ 4 normal texture maps (for different wind conditions)


✔ 2 full perm water texture animation scripts (sideways, rotate animation types)
✔ 4 completed examples on prims
✔ A guide on how to use these textures

This realistic water textures pack gives you everything you need to create beautiful looking water for your build.

If you use the "Advanced Lighting Model" it can look just as good as sim/terrain water! To show these textures off to their best remember to add some nearby prim light sources!

Click the "Watch it in action" link above to see a preview (recorded in Second Life) of what this water can look like.

The speed of animations can be slowed down or sped up easily using the full perm scripts.

All textures are 1024px resolution.

This is designed to be a high resolution material water texture. It successfully emulates a realistic water surface when the advanced lighting model is enabled.

This unfortunately means that it cannot support frame-based animation, and uses a sliding animation instead. Second Life is all about compromises between one thing or the other currently when it comes to water textures. We expect LL will add support for materials and frame animation soon. Click on "Watch it in action" to see what the texture looks like.

Additionally, the textures in this pack are compatible with the new "Advanced Lighting Model" feature in Second Life viewers. This allows for the creation of more realistic texture surfaces that respond like materials to lighting!

To see this texture at its best potential you'll need a recent viewer and you will need to enable the "advanced lighting model" under your preferences.

This option is enabled automatically for avatars with their graphics set to "High" or "Ultra". Avatars who do not enable this will see the standard textures only.

Watch Linden Lab's video guide on material texture mapping:


All textures in this pack are provided with full permissions for use by content creators in their work.

You may NOT resell or distribute these textures individually, or as textures sets. Resell only as part of a build.

  • Seamless tileable textures
  • All textures 1024px resolution
  • Realistic effect
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full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted March 06, 2023 by xxLunettoXX

It's not worth what it costs! if I rezzed a panel and glued a moving texture on it, wouldn't I spend less?

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Nice product
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted March 30, 2020 by Alvina Nova

Very adequate and inspiring product. There are good ideas and with a bit creativity, with the scripts and the build, it can achieve very nice results. Not for dummies.

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Beautiful and easy to use!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted November 17, 2019 by Kait Whimsy

I loved the multi-layer water. Realistic and easy to set up.

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I agree with one of the other reviews...
full star full star empty star empty star empty star Posted October 01, 2018 by GradyClampson

...in that this should come with more instructions aside from simply the advanced lighting instructions. For one thing, there are two animation scripts that behave completely differently, in that the "sideways" script for some bizarre reason reverts the texture scaling back to the original size and nothing you do will scale it back down. If you switch to the "rotation" animation the scaling will work properly again, but that rotation isn't exactly realistic for some situations. The texture itself is good, but to get this to work and be functional is somewhat of a challenge.

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full star full star full star full star empty star Posted July 21, 2018 by Exosaint

its nice but a bit lacking i do hope there is a frame animated version of this 1 day

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As good as it gets
full star full star full star full star full star Posted April 10, 2018 by Xavier Novelli

The textures are high quality and everything is included that you need by the seller. Unfortunately due to limitations with animating textures there only so much you can do with it without using a little more prim.There are other ways to achieve a real water effect, but they do take a lot of expensive software and time. Water takes an advanced technique and if you aren't proficient with how advanced lighting works in SL, you will have difficulty with this, or any water pack.

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