(This Breast Pump is one of the most realistic items you will come across, its production was guided by real life medical professionals.)
~We are proud to present this Breast Pump, it is an exceptional item provided with animations and sounds. The object fills during the realistic procedure and it gives a baby bottle filled with your own milk! The Bottle comes with animations and adorable baby "sucking" sounds, it is also transferable for Daddy or a family friend to feed the baby while mommy sticks to her busy day!
Our Product works with all prim and avi babies of second life yet it won't increase or effect their stats. It is all about the realism of the experience!
~** Give Top Quality Food To Your Little One**~
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- Breast Pump Animations
- Breast Pump Sounds
- Gives transferable Milk Bottle
- Milk Bottle~Animations and Sounds
- Realistic procedure
The best pump on sl, perfet for rp
I bought this breast pump, cause there was no breast pumps to rp on the marketplace, so i bought this: the amation is so realstic, it 'pumps' amaation is a minute long, so its semi realstic, and it gives ya a milk bottle in the end, the milk also goes up too while ya pumping :)) great creation! ty!
You need to get this. Way More Then I immagine *super worth the money*
This is something that has made roleplay with my family and partner more fun and realistic. The sounds are identical to real life, and the baby bottle that it sends has the cutest effects. The detailed procedure is also written in green text! I recommend this to all mommies of second life. A real MUST :)