Hen for the Really Needy FARMING game
- Feed the hen to produce eggs
- Productive lifespan: 120 eggs٭
- Includes Bag of Chicken Feed with 150 feeds
- Earn Farming XP* when your avatar harvests eggs
- Eggs can be consumed to restore Hunger (Really Needy HUD)
- Menu for customising movement (see below)
For game-play and video tutorial, please visit the website at https://grace7ling.wixsite.com/needy/farming#animal
Hen is ANIMESH and animations include standing/pecking, walking, fast-walking, sitting and laying eggs.
Additional chicken feed can be bought separately if required.
٭If your hen has produced more than 90 eggs, there is a 3% chance of it being eaten by a fox if it is not fed (as it wanders around, looking for food)
*Requires Really Needy FARMING HUD v1.1 and above.
▶Wander : the Hen will move around, but generally not further than 10m from its home location.
▶Stay : this cancels the Wander mode and the Hen will stay in its current position. (It will still move towards chicken feed if it is feeding time!)
▶Go Home : the Hen will be moved to its home location and Wander mode will be turned off.
▶Set Home: saves the current position of the Hen as its home location.
- Click on the bag and your avatar should play an animation of throwing chicken feed on the ground
- Hens within 5m will come toward the feed pellets to eat them
- The feed pellets are temporary and will disappear within a minute or two if not eaten by the chickens (no land impact)
- There are 3 bento hold animations that you can subtly change how your avatar is holding the bag
- No modify, no copy, no transfer
- 20
- Mesh chicken feed bag and 2 bento animations created by LikeMeow
- Feed the hen to produce eggs
- Earn Farming XP when you harvest eggs
- Bag of Chicken Feed with 150 feeds is included
- Works with Really Nice Chicken Coop
- Eggs can be consumed to restore Hunger (Really Needy HUD)
CLUMSY HEN is great
this item the clumsy hen - is a fantastic addition to the farm area -- it has laid eggs every day of feeding - i have a small garden patch ad this hen and cow all or good -- i am not going out for large farm just a play fun farm and this meets the bill -- it is clumsy enough to be funny and can watch it walk and fall trip and make way back to nest -- a most have to farm -- i got the chicken coop also and is really nice
Angie Streusel