The Recipe Finder helps you collect every recipe your Fennux will dig up.
Whenever one of your Fennux digs up a recipe, the recipe finder will send u an IM with the slurl to the position of the recipe. And it will point at the recipe with a particle.
Example IM: Recipe Finder: A Recipe was dug up by one of your Fennux at Name/128/128/59
It is possible to either scan for your recipes only or scan for recipes wich have the same group as your recipe finder.
Scan range can be set to various distances + further than the max 96 meter scan range. And the finder does not fail to find treasures when there are a lot of Fennux around. Like other finders do.
If you have been offline, it will tell you the total amount of recipes that were dug up by your Fennux while you were away.
Change the looks of the Recipe finder trough the menu. Via the model button.
You can change the frequency (scan delay) via the frequency button.
Coming in the next update:
Bot clicking support.
If you have a bot client program. Contact me so that i can put in the right commands.
If you have any questions or ideas you can contact me, Cypher Webb in-world , if im not online send me a notecard.
*Free Updates*
Worth the Lindens
deff worth the lindens not guessing where the recipes are for you or your group leads you right to it.
Very nice
Must Have
Very Usefull tool to find the little recipes.
Good price and easy set up.
A Must Have!
Simple to use and works perfectly. I had a little issue and Cypher was right over to investigate!
This is a must have item with your Fennux. Whether you craft or just want to accumulate those don't want to miss any of those recipe pieces and this product makes sure you don't!