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Refuge - Lun Bubble Bath Original

Refuge - Lun Bubble Bath Original
Refuge - Lun Bubble Bath Original
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This was originally created for a subscription style box in Second Life. As the event is now defunct, we are allowed to sell past items which were previously only purchasable through the box system.
This bath includes both the bath and the table with decor (table and decor are ONE piece). Please note this is a high LI item. The bath itself is 27 prims and the table is an additional 2 prims.
The bathtub includes multiple animations, the breakdown of which is as follows:
Male Animations: 9
Female Animations: 9
Couples Animations PG: 6
Couples Animations Adult: 8
Also please note, the bubbles are there all the time. This item does not drain either. Thank you!

L$ 300

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Sold by: Juniper Nightingale

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Mesh: 100% Mesh
Land Impact: 29