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Relax outfit shirt blue USA mesh rigged body mesh, red white striped strip boxer scripted /10 on /10 off up and down

Relax outfit shirt blue USA mesh rigged body mesh, red white striped strip boxer scripted /10 on /10 off up and down
Relax outfit shirt blue USA mesh rigged body mesh, red white striped strip boxer scripted /10 on /10 off up and down
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This product requires the use of MESH SL Viewer and is available for 7 bodies mesh Slink, TMP,Belleza, Gianni, Aesthetic, Altamura, Adam (8 various colors) . One version for standard sizes classic avatars almost similar is available too (8 various colors).

TEST the FREE DEMO (In the pictures is Altamura Body)

In the demo pack ( Relax outfit shirt white with sexy girl mesh rigged , flag strip boxer) :
- DEMO Boxer UNSCRIPTED to test the size Slink, TMP,Belleza, Gianni, Altamura, Adam
- 1 DEMO ONLY Boxer scripted to lower it down , write /10 on or /10 off for exposed (AESTHETIC)
- DEMO Relax shirt white with sexy girl mesh rigged Slink, TMP,Belleza, Gianni, Aesthetic, Altamura, Adam

in the full pack :
- Alpha sneakers
- Boxer scripted to lower it down , write /10 on or /10 off for exposed (Slink, TMP,Belleza, Gianni, Aesthetic, Altamura, Adam)
- Flag animated texture moving in the wind ADD same time the boxer /10 on /10 off (yes scripted to appear when the boxer is down and disappear when the boxer is at the top
- Relax shirt mesh rigged Slink, TMP,Belleza, Gianni, Aesthetic, Altamura, Adam
- Mesh bracelet with resize script black with studs silver L + R
- mesh unrigged sneakers resize script
- for more fun : Mesh beanbag seat anywhere with pose animated ADD


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L$ 290

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Get the demo version
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Mystygry Mirihi
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Mystygry Mirihi
Sold by: Mystygry Mirihi

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Works with Mesh Avatars
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Mesh: 100% Mesh