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Reseller Kit WarWaveWeapons 50%

Reseller Kit WarWaveWeapons  50%
Reseller Kit WarWaveWeapons  50%
0 Reviews

WarWaveWeapons– Resell Program

Thanks for joining the WarWaveWeapons Affiliate program. By purchasing this package you are allowed to have and sell all the products listed in the WarWaveWeapons Vendors.

The WarWaveWeapons vendors give a 50% commission.

SETTING UP YOUR 50% WarWaveWeapons Reseller

Place the vendors in areas that have good visibility for results. 'You cannot buy what you cannot see.' Most sales happens because, a display picture caught the eye.

Rezz more vendors for greater visibility.
The larger the size of display vendor, the greater the chance of getting more visibility and sales.

Place the vendors in areas that have good traffic flow to increase visibility.

1. Your own land.
2. Your Stores.
3. Friends with land, especially if they have a mall, club or other attraction that draws in people.
4. Approaching the owners of other lands who have great traffic. You'd be plesantly surprised how many will agree.

*** NOTE *** You can not buy something for yourself at a 50% discount – The vendor scripts only allow you to recieve a 50% commission when other people purchase items from your vendors. You will not recieve a 50% commission when you purchase something from your own vendors.

Legal Stuff:
I reserve the right to disable any vendor at any time for whatever reason.
I reserve the right to stop selling my items at any time for whatever reason.
I reserve the right to ban an avatar from registering any vending machines with our servers

Please Send a notecard to Caessa Avril or more information or any help with these products.

Thank you once again for using the ^v^WarWaveWeapons^v^ Reseller Vendor Program, and we wish you all the best with your Franchise.

Caessa Avril
^v^WarWaveWeapons^v^ Owner

  • Reseller
  • Franchise
  • Commision

L$ 3,000

Adding to cart as gift


^v^WarWave Weapons^v^ ^v^WWW^v^
^v^WarWave Weapons^v^ ^v^WWW^v^
Sold by: Caessa Avril

Use It Now

This item will be delivered directly to you or a friend in Second Life, unpacked and ready to use. No land or sandbox required.

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  • User Licensed
Automatic redelivery
Land Impact: 8