G General

Rete sword and shield SF

Rete sword and shield SF

Rete sword and shield SF are 100 % mesh.


Wear the sword and sheath. I recommend using Wear, not Attach or Add.

The sword can be drawn or sheathed by clicking the sword, sheath, or by using the included gestures.
If you wish to use the gestures (F keys) be sure to activate them first.

F5 - Draw
F6 - Sheath
F7 - Options
F12 - Inspect

The sword has two control types.
Keyboard controls work by holding down the Left Mouse button and using the directional arrows to swing the weapon.
Mouse controls allow you to swing the weapon by clicking the Left Mouse button.

To switch between the two control options, use the F7 key to view the menu.
(Note that the weapon needs to be sheathed before the options menu can be used)

Inspect (F12) allows you to see what weapons are being used in the nearby area.

The one handed sword will do 4 damage per hit, and 10 swings will equal to 1 point of stamina loss.

This sword is compatible with Spell Fire 1, Spell Fire 3, Unity Meter, Omega Meter, or any other Spell Fire compatible system.


)<SF>( Spell Fire Shield Scripts (v4.0) )<SF>(

To begin using your shield, select it in your inventory, and choose "wear".

Hold down the Left Mouse Button, then press C or Page Down, to block.

The shield will only block while the block animation is running.
With practice, you will be able to block many arrows and sword swings.

Using your shield repeatedly will drain your stamina.

If you lose control of your shield, detach it and wear it again.
Resetting the scripts in the shield may also fix some problems.

The 4.0 shields will work with or without other weapons.

We are building weapons. In our shop you can find Spellfire, DCS2, GM, also all weapons are compatible with META, XPRS, URA.
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SandraG Georgia

  • Spell Fire 1
  • Spell Fire 3
  • Unity Meter
  • Omega Meter