~Revolver the Fatale~ (f) *Gun Action Duel Sets*
*Psychopdeic Transmission Intercept... Priority: 0th*
"MAYDAY MAYDAY!...This is Rev!.., Come in, OVER!! It's th.. ..ckin..ED.M..aniX!?, .e's..lost his ...mn.mind.. I'm under atta..................."
"Rev?, this is Grave, Come in. Over. KSSSHT
Rev.........Revolver!?" KSSSHT
::Authenticating::...............-The Message is Authentic-
"Retrival?" ......::Negative::.....-DED MechaniX has been comprimised-:-All attempts have proven futile-.....
"Rev?!... Come in Rev! Put him down! KSSSHT
"Gorilla Deputy, Grave, Come in. Over" KSSSHT
............."~dis Dep~."
...............End Transmission.
REVOLVER THE FATALE - ~Gun Action Duel Sets~
These are Pose Set Ups of some of the "Revolver the Fatale Gun Pose Series" as well as "Comic Action Series". Pre-set in Modifiable/Copiable/NON-Transferable, Pose Balls and Base.
Each set includes:
- (2) Poses, 1 female gun hold pose, 1 male unarmed comic pose
- Poses pre-set in (2) Pose Balls
- (1) Base w/Fog
***EACH Pose is also available for purchase individually at the 5ifth Order Pose Vendor***
*****NOTE: If you have the Revolver 30 Pack, or other Revolver poses, you already have these poses!!! *Less the Comic Action (male poses) This is just a set up for photographic type purposes****
*No transfer=No refund*
Available at ~the BoneYard~ Ahndang (32, 63, 27)
SLURL: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Ahndang/33/90/28/?title=%7Ethe%20BoneYard%7E%205ifth%20Order
Photography by Aemilia Case: of "Philotic Energy"
*See the photos from this shoot and more @ http://flickr.com/groups/690553@N21/pool/
"5ifth Order" would like to thank the follow for their assistance and participation:
Lawless Mcbride, Dove Swanson, Triangle Caudron, Vasean Talamasca, Gecko Gorilla, Adaire Decuir, Ivey Deschanel, Roblem Hogarth, Bronwen Llewelyn, Kore Sieyes, Krius Misfit, Munchflower Zaius, Aemilia Case