R.icielli - Teeth Alpha / Teeth Layer
Teehh Alpha to give an appearance of parted lips.
Hope you like!!
Ps: Model shape used in the pic:JENNIFER
Second Life の商品を表示WHAT! AWESOME!
Recommending to my friends! I love them!
The look is very natural and quite subtle. The teeth don't scream "look at me!" - they say only, "I'm teeth". :) I really like them. If you want a "natural" enhancement for your look, these teeth will add to your goal. BTW, I still have and truly love my system head. I look for ways to make it look natural so I don't feel rushed to move on to a mesh head. If you, like me, are still in love with your system head's face...these teeth will work wonderfully.
Great Look @ a Great price
I didnt expect much even with the great reviews. But wow, affordable and adds so much to the realistic look for the avatar. Thanks for a job well done!
cheeeeesy teeeeethy
I found out I had been never again without my second teeth since weeks - teeeeeth, not only for the younger ones E: