Riot Gear - The Machete - Box
Everything is on 50% off sale. Furthermore RiotGear closed it's doors around 2015, when I stopped having time to maintain it after I enrolled into college.
Here's your chance to get your hands on all RiotGear products for only L$500. Yup, that's right.
Includes everything ever released for the store, all items made with love.
Just look up The Riot Gear fat pack within this marketplace store and get it, and have fun!
Cool machete!
Love the looks and cool anims attacking! Easy to adjust:) Great work!
Tis Good
If your into scripting this is a sweet machete for you! If you don't script have no friends that can script this for you then its not for you! Its very pleasing to the eye, detailed, sheath looks nice on my back. The animations included are BASIC. Don't expect to buy it and be swinging it about with nice animations. Consider it 150 linden for an almost non-scripted mesh Machete and its worth it.