* This HUD to make invisible your avatar to 100%.
* Hidden including user name and display name.
* It is not hiding or placing underground.
* It gives full and true invisibility.
• Covert your avatar 100% complete.
• Covert label with their names or Tag.
• It makes you completely and truly invisible.
1.- Rez the hud and unpack.
2.- Apply the hud.
3.- Go to the volume control panel and unmark: Voice; for do invisible the voice ball.
4.- Give double clic to the Start buttom in your screen (The HUD).
5.- For take off the HUD give clic to the Start buttom in your screen (The HUD).
6.- Give you Tp to other sim for unactive the Hud.
* Este HUD hace invisible tu avatar en 100%.
* Oculta incluso el nombre de usuario y el nombre mostrado.
* no se trata de ocultamiento o colocar bajo tierra.
* Te brinda completa y verdadera invisibilidad.
• Oculta tu avatar completo al 100%.
• Oculta su etiqueta con sus nombres o Tag.
• Te hace completa y verdaderamente invisible.
1.- Colocar el Hud.
2.- Ir al panel de control de Volumen y desmarcar: Voz; para que no se vea la bolita del Voice.
3.- Dar doble clic en el boton de encendido del HUD.
4.- Para volver a ser visible a si mismo, debe darse tp a otro sim.
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- * This HUD to make invisible your avatar to 100%
- * Hidden including user name and display name.
- * It is not hiding or placing underground.
- * It gives full and true invisibility.
Does not hide name tag
This does not hide your name tag in the Firestorm Viewer just your body, so be aware.
Good for RP, but nothing to spy on some one. 3/5
Well u will be still on Radar and mini map.
but for RP its works good.
Nothink u can spy on some who know how a Viewer works.
It's okay
I does make you invisible however if you make yourself invisible prior to TPing to a sim when you arrive you cannot move and if you hit "esc" you'll become fully visible again.
It's neat for a "hey, I can turn invisible" trick but other than that it's somewhat useless.