Riverbank Weeping Willows With Roots, grassy mounds and cattails
Beautiful weeping willow trees for riverbanks, ponds, lakes and waterways
Pack of 4 Weeping Willow trees with roots includes :
4 different designs
1 of each design
Riverbank Weeping Willow Design 1 - 30 prims
Riverbank Weeping Willow Design 2 - 19 prims
Riverbank Weeping Willow Design 3 - 24 prims
Riverbank Weeping Willow Design 4 - 34 prims
Extras also inlcuded :
12 x Cattails
4 x mossy/rocky mounds
These lovely Weeping Willow trees will size up to a GIANT 64M or tiny for a bonsai
Please make sure you are using a viewer compatible with sizable mega prims if you want to size these riverbank willow trees smaller or larger.
Please SEE INWORLD to check quality and effect
Our plants and trees are original artworks created by either Dolly or Lilith Heart.
Virtual plants for a virtual world
Please visit The Heart Garden Centre to see our complete range of plants, trees, flowers and landscaping items
We hope you enjoy your visit
Dolly and Lilith Heart
Ver el artículo en Second Life- ALL ORIGINAL DIGITAL ARTWORK
- Sizable mega prims - Max size willow tree = 64m
- Medium Prim Sculpty Willow Trees
- Different Designs for a more organic look
- Includes grassy mossy/rocky mounds and reedmace
I've been buying Lilith Heart landscaping for at least a decade.
Thank you for finally making it copyable and modify. My only suggestion to improve this tree is to make the bark on the tree a little better texture. I love everything about these trees except for the bark texture...it's lacking detail.
As Always, Wonderful Work!
As Always, Wonderful Work! Look even better than the pictures, but then I knew that from before, I had the set before they were offered as C/M. Very exciting to have them C/M, landscaping geek...but there it is. :)
Would give no -stars if i could.
I am so utterly disapointed, and pissed off.They look so good in the pictures but after purchasing and rezzing them they look like poop. I am on a very limited budget and i am so mad i just wasted 699 for a tree that will never be used and will just sit in my inventory to gather dust...So upset.
Fabulous, however
These are absolutely fabulous and they seriously transform a space, that being said... if you want to run a boat under the leaves of the tree you can set it to phantom, but then you can walk straight through the base. (yes I did try unlinking it and doing it that way with no success). Also Why the hell are they no copy? There's just no real reason for that. So 4 stars
Very nice
Your stuff is always so nice!! Great job on these!!