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Roleplay Job (Notecard) Board

Roleplay Job (Notecard) Board
Roleplay Job (Notecard) Board
2 Reviews

This board is ideal for roleplay job board. Employers and employees can simply drop a notecard inside for what they demand and can supply.

There is no setup required for the board. It is ready to use when rezzed.

To start: Drag and drop (CTRL+C) a notecard into the board to post parchment.

Once posted, a parchment will show up on the board. Anyone can touch the parchment to get a copy of the posted notecard.

As the owner of the board touches, an owner-only menu will show up:

Touch > perform a non-owner touch. That is similar to a person touches the board.

List > list all the current posted parchment (notecard name) in chat.

Get ALL > get a folder contains all parchments to your inventory.

Clear This > remove the touched parchment. This button will only be available when you are touching a parchment.

Clear ALL > remove all parchments (notecards).

There are only maximum 20 parchments available in a board. If there are more than 20, those extra notecards will be removed from the board's content automatically.

+ Anyone can post.
+ Anyone can get a parchment.
+ No setup required.
+ 20 posts.
+ Owner can clear THIS or ALL posts.
+ Random parchment textures upon each post.
+ Awesome drop and touch effects!
+ Low lag, high speed script design.
+ Only 7 prims.

Enjoy *^.^*

  • Anyone can post.
  • Anyone can get a parchment.
  • No setup required.
  • 20 posts.
  • Owner clear THIS or ALL posts, and more...
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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  • 1 star:
Great Product
full star full star full star full star full star Posted August 27, 2024 by Zoe Vortex

I was looking for something like this to have a job board in my sci-fi setting.

What I like:
- Only 7 Land Impact (Prims).
- Modify permissions on the board itself. The poles and the wooden board at the back are all detachable / retexturable. So if you want to have just the board, or use a different type of poles to hold it up, you can do that.
- As the owner, you can click on individual pieces of parchment to clear the jobs.

What I wish I could do:
- I wish I could change the textures of the parchment. As I said before, I'm looking to use this for a sci-fi setting, and most sci-fi places treat paper as a sort of rarity. If I could set the texture to steel and make it a sort of holographic job posting, that'd be great.
- I wish I could set a timer for when the board automatically clears listings. Sometimes we all take breaks from SL, so people can post a job and then just leave it up indefinitely because the board won't auto-clear it. I don't want it to clear ALL postings, but if I could set it to where it has a timer for each individual posting, that'd be fantastic.

Despite lacking in those features, this is still a solid job board choice to give players initiative in creating their own stories and jobs for players to pursue, without also having the requirement for players to be storytellers or have official staff roles.

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5 stars
full star full star full star full star full star Posted December 09, 2021 by JadeAshlynn

I wanted an alternative copy mod version of a roleplay notecard board people can come and drop notes on that can't just be ripped off by morons in gor who just want to troll.
This is awesome, it works, its easy to use and operate! 5 stars so happy with it.. and highly recommend over the Akila message noteboard thing everyone uses in Gor!

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L$ 500

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© SureSeries
© SureSeries
Sold by: Klug Kuhn

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Land Impact: 7