This system is accessed by use of a Rezzer.
The Rezzer has a Land Impact cost of 110.
Second Life builder skills required.
See video link below.
Extended roof building system. 147 parts in total.
Land Impact : from 0.5 for simple parts up to 1.2 for the most complex ones.
Except the dormers : from 1.8 to 2.3
All parts will snap to a 0.125 Grid.
Specific workflow needed for rotating and linking due to sl bug.
The main roof system comes in 3 heights, 4m, 3m, and 2m high. All heights have Straight parts, End parts, Split and Corner parts etc.
The different heights can be connected to each other by T-split or L-corners.
There are also 3 stand-alone Mansard roof sets in the package, 1m, 2m, and 3m high.
The Mansard parts have been derived from the regular set and will match in style and look, but they don't connect to other roof sets.
Then there's a small set of Tower roofs, matching in style and look but also without connections to the other sets.
All parts have separate faces for easy texturing inside Second Life.
AO shadowsmaps included providing basic shading.
UV maps included to create accurate and detailed textures in Image Editing Software.
Remark: The Rezzer and packaging are Copy only. All content, mesh models, AO and UV maps are coming with full permissions.
In-world location : Building 1
General Info:
- This product is packed in a Provider which has buttons for each different section. Touch a button to get a folder with the content. A button's content can also be accessed by 'Edit Linked' and dragging it into the inventory.
- All our products are designed for regular texture mapping. Planar mapping may not render correctly on certain parts (BUG-4066).
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This item is intended to be a component for use in your own creations.
In no way this item may be redistributed with full permissions.
Please read and respect our terms of use below.
By purchasing this product you agree to the following terms :
You are allowed to:
- Modify and use this product as a part of your own creations and sell them with copy OR transfer permissions.
You are not allowed to:
- Distribute this product with both copy and transfer permissions.
- Distribute this product as part of a freebie or any price below L$ 10.
- Distribute this product as it is.
- Distribute or advertise this product using our name, logo, packaging or packaging textures.
- Distribute or use this product outside the virtual world Second Life with exception of the Second Life Marketplace.
'Product' is defined as every item that comes with the purchase, including the packaging and its textures, except otherwise stated on the product's Info & License notecard.
'Distribute' is defined as any form of transfer or publishing, be it by print, copy, distribution, disclosure, selling or sharing.
© Copyright 2013, Doctor Zimberman, ZimberLab. All rights reserved.
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See item in Second Life View Video »Hello
Considering the price of your roof system it is:
too expensive
especially since the members of a group cannot use it!
If it had been cheaper and usable by the members of a group, we would have installed it on one of the spaces of our modeling, scripting, etc. workshop.
But under these conditions we will rather make a participative workshop of design of Roofs richer than your tools, even if in the end it will not be an automatic system, but which in any case takes far too many prims / LI whereas there has other ways of doing it!
It is by dint of such commercial orientation etc that SecondLife is depopulated and that soon people will all go elsewhere...
Have a good day
Fantastic roof building system!
I bought almost all its products, and even that is truly fantastic and I love rezzer system!
Well made, shapes cover everything you'd need. My only suggestion is add one pyrimid shaped roof so you can use one prim instead of four if that's the roof you need. I have no complaints. This pack is expensive however it is totally worth it.
Superior customer service
Messed up with the order, Doctor Zimberman has been extremely helpful - something rarely seen on the grid.
Great builder tool, and superior customer service!
Great For Builders!
Another Great Product By Zimberlab. No More Trying To Get The Angles Right So The Prims Meet Perfectly At The Top. With This Kit You Just Rezz The Rezzor Choose Your Piece And Drag It Right Over To Your Build.