Your cakes and sweets presented like they earnt: in a rotation display.
The images show your vitrine from 3 directions.
And you receive EVERYTHING you can see on the images. Every cake and every slice.
If somebody touches your cake display, he will receive a slice of delicious cake.
celebration,event,event-helper,event helper,birthday,rezz-day,rezzday,rezzday cake, rezz-day cake,cake,cake giver,slice,slice of cake,given cake,party,holiday,free,full permission,give on touch,cake,candle,burn,fire,blow,event,pary,party gadget,fun,funny animation,joke,relax,joy,friend,frienship,wedding,wedding cake,full permission,sugar,sugar cake,candy,sweet,sweets,enjoy
Don't waste your Lindens
This is unusable as you cannot effectively resize it, and it is huge! Wont even fit in my living room.