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Route 84 Customs - PBR Material Wood Pack 1

Route 84 Customs - PBR Material Wood Pack 1

░▒▓██████▓▒░░ Route 84 Customs Choppers™ > 10 Years Strong Company ░░▒▓██████▓▒░░
Permissions: Copy , No Modify , Transfer

* Full Perm Items * DMCA - TOS License
1. No item can be sold as a stand alone They must be used in your build and set to at least NO TRANS!!
2. No item can be sold full perms even in a build created by you
3. At no time can they be shared between friends or given away ( Not even your ALTS )
4. All the Full Perm Items in Contents has to be emptied by Right Click the Item and under Contents Tab.

We ask that everyone "Plays Fair" and respects the hard work that goes into making products on SL
By everyone following these 4 simple rules we can keep our prices lower then the competition
If anyone is found in violation of any of these rules we will file against that person with the DAMC and LL
and push legal action if needed.

NOTE: About PBR Material TOS
* When you buy a PBR Material Texture by us Do not Resell it its only for your Own Use or you can add it
to your Building Products. when you add it to your Prim its No Modify. when your done just be sure to set
Contents to No Copy or No Trans. Please

If you Need Any Questions with anything contact me or My Support Team
{ We Have Changed New Store Policies }

Route 84 Customs Choppers Owner
Bluepitt81 Dismantled

If offline, please leave a detailed notecard as im's get capped.

{ If you liked this, please consider leaving a positive review on the marketplace :) }

░▒▓██████▓▒░░ More Info about Route 84 Customs Choppers™ Below Here ░░▒▓██████▓▒░░
( MAIN Website Link: https://nightmareburt.wixsite.com/route84customs )
Our Website gets Updated! everyday with Main Store Location and
everything you need to know about Route 84 Customs Choppers

Discord Server Link: https://discord.gg/WtRcePsTJ6
Route 84 Customs Choppers Owner
Bluepitt81 Dismantled

NOTE: If i don't answer. its best to use our 24/7 Support Bot. to Submit a Ticket
Just Message: occcustomschoppers Resident > with your Question

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