A Rustic Basket with Fruit
Gives a Fruit Plate on Touch
A Fruit Basket with Watermelon, Cantaloupe and Honeydew Melons. I've included a couple of Oranges, plus a third which appears to be peeled (I wanted to see if I could do looks pretty good.)
For use as a Medieval, Victorian or Western food dispenser in a Tavern or a Farmers Market.
It has modern use as a picnic basket as well.
Great decoration on a Farm, for a Country Kitchen or a role play prop in many themed sim.
Modify Transfer - Remove a few prim if needed, but don't touch the basket!
by Savage - New Location - Please Enjoy
Baskets with Fruit, Fruit Basket, Basket with Melons, Fruit Plates
tagPirate tagFantasy tagMedieval tagSteampunk
See item in Second Life- Gives a Fruit Plate on Touch
- Transfer and Modify - Remove a few prims if needed