Extra parts for RuthTooRC3 Bakes On Mesh Female Avatar.
Extra BoM Feet
Extra Classic Clothes.
Extra Classic Skins.
- Bakes on Mesh Rigged Bento Avatar Body Parts
- Full Mesh Rigged Bento Avatar Body Parts
- Derived from Ruth 2.0 RC#3
Everything you need
Perfect, thanks so much for the freebie!
Great add-ons
Some really great options here. I was overjoyed (seriously I actually squealed in RL) when I discovered that the high feet in this box can wear Maitreya shoes. THANK YOU!
Really wonderful avatar with Bento & BOM features
Easy to use, and very nice quality mesh overall. I'm finding that most Maitreya and some other fitmesh clothing fit pretty nicely, and BOM is a lot of fun.
Thank you so very much for all your time and efforts! I also appreciate the other wonderful creators and volunteers who've contributed to the project -- which is an awesome and generous gift to the SL community!
Soooo much nicer! Especially awesome features for hands, feet
I am really pleased with the options for hands, feet, and nails -- so much easier to work with! So much nicer to look at! Great job!