---Updated for BOM---
This is an advanced applier that contains materials.
You need advanced lighting model enabled to be able to experience the full effect of the materials for this applier.
You need omega relays to apply the omega onto your mesh items.
Materials will only work on mesh that allow Omega Material Appliers.
You can check if the mesh you're applying supports Omega Materials here: http://slpoweredbyomega.com/supported-meshes/
Omega Evolved Top/Lower Appliers
Omega Evolved Top/Lower Appliers (Spec Only)
Omega Evolved Tintable Top/Lower Appliers
Maitreya Body Applier (Spec Only)
Maitreya Body Applier (White)
Maitreya Body Applier (Black)
BOM Layer
View Material Effect:
- Omega
- Applier
- Materials
- Evolved