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SD Vampire Gallery "Blood Ties"

SD Vampire Gallery "Blood Ties"

Smooth Designs proudly presents


"Blood Ties"
(Woah there hold your horses! These are not mesh frames. Do you have any idea how high the LI for this kind of intricacy would be? And how hard to make them? Why, do you think, are there so few intricate mesh frames around? Well, now you are informed, these are cunningly crafted 3D textures. You may proceed.)

(SD Vampire Gallery Female Rect 1)

What would a vampire be without his or her castle?
What would a vampire be without a proud, spooky and sometimes downright attractive bunch of paintings, showing off their family? (No I am not getting into the discussion about how the Undead can have family trees consisting only of vampires. That is for other people to debate. I'm merely providing the paintings.)
To this end, I have combined 151 unique spookey portraits (old oil paintings) of Vampires of all walks of life... hang on... death... and all ages, from the young and innocent girl or boy to the Grand Lord or Grand Dame of the Castle, with 62 frames (plus their respective Normal and Specular maps). That's thousands of unique paintings for your gallery. (The males don't come in round or oval frames)

Now, you may ask, why did I not simply provide one product with 62 frames to choose and 151 vampires?
Well, you might see the answer right there. You'd go insane trying to find the one you want!
Also, the frames are lovingly bumpmapped and shiny, and I have yet to find a texture script that allows for swapping diffuse, normal and spec maps in one. (For the vampires there is only one set of NM and SM, which is the cracked paint, so I didn't have to mess with that aswell.)
While we're talking about scripts, yes I would like to have included a handy script deleter once you are happy with the painting of your choice, but the script I am using doesn't provide that and I couldn't find one that does a) texture change, b) resizer and c) script removal without it being one hell of a headache to set up.
Once I find a script that does all that... I'll update this series and provide the update free of charge to anyone who has bought and can produce proof of purchase of any part of this series.

In each box of this series you will find a number of objects (ready-made paintings). They are called something like
SD Vampire Gallery Female Oval 1 A
SD = Smooth Designs
Vampire Gallery = Vampire Gallery
Female = Female
Oval = the shape of the frame set
1 = The set of unique paintings in this lot
A = The particular frame

So, you'd rez the frame you like, A through M or whatever.
Then you click on it and choose the texture (vampire).
Once you're done choosing your painting, you can resize it. The full-sized images of Lords and Ladies sitting on their thrones or standing are obviously meant to be large. The portraits can be made so small, you can create a little collection of framed paintings on the wall over your bureau.

I am but a human, I make mistakes. Especially when working through a huge amount of textures like in this project. Please be nice and contact me with any problems before you throw a one star rating and a bad review at me. Reviews are so terribly important. I usually reply within a day.

  • Menu-driven choice of painting
  • Menu-driven resizer
  • bumpmap and shiny
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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Wonderful goth portraits
full star full star full star full star full star Posted November 24, 2023 by SilkyGrimknot

Wonderful goth portraits the best I've seen in SL

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