[SECONDBOT] Groups notice & chat
1/ Rez the unit
2/ Edit the UNIT and change the DESCRIPTION as you need to change HOVERING TEXT
3/ Then open "[CONFIG]" notecard, there you have to write :
- BOT_PORT : the bot port
- BOT_API_PASS : the bot API password
4/ Now open "GROUPS" notecard and put groups UUID one per line (NO EMPTY LINE AT THE END)
- You can add many GROUPS notecards
- GROUPS notecard name MUST always start by "GROUPS" (Ex : GROUPS 1, GROUPS x, ....)
5/ Now Edit "AD" notecard(s), you can add many "AD" notecards
here you write the UUID of the attachment
here you write the subject of your AD
here you write the text that will be in the notice
here you write the text that will be in chat
(AD notecard can be named as you want but keep it short as it will be on menu buttons)
6/ When all is setup you can start to advertise, click on the unit and get a window with buttons:
- ON
7/ Click "ON" FIRST !!!
8/ First you will get NOTICE MODE selection window
- NOTICE : will send notice ONLY
- CHAT : will send chat ONLY
- N+C : will send notice + chat
9/ Then you will get AD selection window to select which AD you are going to send
10/ Then you will get GROUPS selection window to select which GROUPS you are going to send
11/ Then you will get first PRETIMER window to select : NOW or 1H or 2H or 3H or 4H or 8H.
(send first message now or in 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 8 hours)
12/ Then you will get TIMER window to select send every : 1H or 2H or 3H or 4H or 8H.
(send message every 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 8 hours)
13/ All done !
Then when you want to stop the Unit just click on it and press "UNITRESET"
If you want someone to use the UNIT just put his name in [ACCES] notecard !!!
- Group advertising unit
- Send notice with attachment
- Send chat
- Add groups you want
Good job!
it works well and above all the owner is always willing to help you