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SF:: ~JJ~ SZYM Paladin 7 Bed Sign

SF:: ~JJ~ SZYM Paladin 7 Bed Sign

Thank you for choosing this exciting collaborative product from Scarlet Fey and ~Jeanette's Joint~ and for your participation in what we do! I hope you find this item to be very rewarding.

What's in this kit:

SF:: ~JJ~ SZYM Paladin 7 Bed Sign

Setting Up Your SF:: ~JJ~ SZYM Paladin 7 Bed Sign:

Connecting your SF:: ~JJ~ SZYM Paladin 7 Bed Sign is easy. Rez, link (if you want it on a vehicle) and go! You can use this as a standalone sign too!

Using Your SF:: ~JJ~ SZYM Paladin 7 Bed Sign:

The sign board is menu-driven and you can get the menu prompt by touching anywhere on the sign or the frame. The menu remains active for 30 seconds with no activity before it times-out and stops responding. (You can get a fresh menu by touching the sign or frame again). The main menu options are as follows:

Orange ~ sets the color of the display text to "utility orange".

Green ~ sets the color of the display text to "visibility green".

User Color ~ select this to enter a vector of any color you want to change the display text to. The vector must be entered in "LSL" format. This means it must be wrapped in angle brackets < and > and have float values for each color: red, green and blue. Float values must be between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive). For example, a vector for yellow would be: <1.0, 1.0, 0.0> When you have finished typing your vector into the text box don't press the ENTER key. Just click the Submit button. If you made a mistake then the text on the display may turn black. You can select one of the preset colors or try entering a new color vector to override this. Please note that if your display text is set to not be displayed such as when the board is closed or the text has been cleared, etc... your color changes will not be visible until you have enabled text again. This is explained in more detail in the items below.

Matrix ~ selects the dot matrix font for the display and sets the background of the board to the dot matrix style.

Segment ~ selects the 16-segment font for the display and sets the background of the board to the 16-segment style.

MESSAGE ~ opens a prompt for you to write a message that is to be displayed on the board. The board supports a 10 x 3 message and will automatically center and wrap your text when possible. You may need to experiment with it a bit to find a good text layout if you haven't practiced setting text of this kind before. You can press the ENTER key in the prompt to create a line break. You can also use spaces to nudge your text around. Please note that some special characters are not included in the font set but may still show up on the display with an unmatched font. Some more rare special characters may not even show up at all. Try out what you want to display on the board and adjust your input if you run into any of these unsupported characters. This prompt will remain active for two minutes (instead of the usual thirty seconds) giving you more time to enter your text before the prompt expires.

Solid ~ sets the text display to remain on (without blinking).

Blink ~ sets the text display to flash (off and on) at one cycle per second.

Auxes ~ opens the Aux assignment prompt (see below).

Open ~ opens the sign board if it is in the closed position. It may take a brief moment for the text to catch up.

Close ~ closes the sign board if it is in the open position. It may take a brief moment for the text to catch up.

DONE ~ closes the menu.

The Auxes prompt gives you a few more options to choose from:

☐ Aux 1 ~ toggles the connection to the Aux 1 buttons (in the vehicle and on the vehicle's HUD) on and off.

☐ Aux 2 ~ toggles the connection to the Aux 2 buttons (in the vehicle and on the vehicle's HUD) on and off.

☐ Aux 3 ~ toggles the connection to the Aux 3 buttons (in the vehicle and on the vehicle's HUD) on and off.

Note that when the button is connected the tick box will be displayed like this:

See item in Second Life
  • Set your own text on a 10 x 3 display!
  • Segment or Matrix fonts with matching backboard textures!
  • Two stock text colors or enter any color of your own!
  • Connect to Aux switches (optional) for remote opening or closing!
  • Menu-driven and easy to install using GMLS!