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SGC Dialing Computer - DHD Version 1.0

SGC Dialing Computer - DHD


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What is the SGC DHD for?
This DHD device allwos you to remotly dial your ASN Milkyway Stargate, it includes a Dialing screen, Address screen, Map Screen and Power Screen.
The two most important pieces are the DHD Keyboard and the Dialing Screen, but you an put as many screens as you want. Just recommend putting them within a 20 meters range from the Keyboard for some settings.

If you hold your click for 1 second on each screen, you'll get a dedicated menu to hide parts of the screen frames or change their colors.

The keyboard is the main piece where you have access to settings menu (on the space bar), manual dialing with the keyboard keys.
You can also switch from the glyphs for their numerical counterparts by pressing the Escape key.

There's an access list inside to allow more people to use your Iris scanner or Code 9 buttons, see the full manual on the website for the complete documentation.

If you own a Stargate AIO Server, you can also activate the Sync option so the AIO server access list is copied/synchronized on the DHD.

Attention! To avoid any interferences, the DHD and screens only listen to gates that are within a 100 meters range.

Total Land Impact with 4 Screens, 1 Keyboard and 2 Buttons: 48LI

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Vk Labs 2024.

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