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SHAPE for [AK ADVX] Andro Head and [BODY] Athletic Meshbody (Legacy)

SHAPE for [AK ADVX] Andro Head and [BODY] Athletic Meshbody (Legacy)

SHAPE for [AK ADVX] Andro Head and [BODY] Athletic Meshbody (Legacy)

<<< Items used in the pictures >>>

[AK ADVX] - Andro Head M (and Brow shape)

AG. Sahara Eyes - Gift

[avarosa] Lynch LeL EVO X - Tone 4 (Head)

Volkstone Cezar Facial Hair / Pack 04

[Dura] Hairbase BOM-Lelu EvoX[F2]


[h] Necklace - Surf Board - Signature Gianni

[BODY] Athletic Meshbody (Legacy)(m) (1.0)

Stray DoAg - Gianni Skin - TONE 04

[MP] MiPod Earphone

VUK. Kenzo Bracelet

Enrage - underpants - Casimir [Legacy + Athletic]

BoM activated

<<< (HEAD, HAIR, BODY, CLOTHES, ACCESSORIES and SKIN are not included) >>>

You can copy, modify and transfer this shape.

We will refund you in case of double purchase.

Thank you for visiting my store and for your preference.


SHAPE para Cabeça [AK ADVX] Andro Head e Corpo [BODY] Athletic Meshbody (Legacy)

<<< Itens usados nas fotos >>>

Cabeça [AK ADVX] - Andro Head M (e forma da sobrancelha)

Olhos de Mesh AG. Sahara Eyes - Gift

Pele da Cabeça [avarosa] Lynch LeL EVO X - Tone 4

Barba Volkstone Cezar Facial Hair / Pack 04

Base do Cabelo [Dura] Hairbase BOM-Lelu EvoX[F2]

Cabelo [HAIR]Dura-B117-FB

Cordão [h] Necklace - Surf Board - Signature Gianni

Corpo [BODY] Athletic Meshbody (Legacy)(m) (1.0)

Pele do Corpo Stray Dog - Gianni Skin - TONE 04

Porta Acessório de Braço [MP] MiPod Earphone

Bracelete VUK. Kenzo Bracelet

Boxer Enrage - underpants - Casimir [Legacy + Athletic]

BoM Ativado

<<< (CABEÇA, CABELO, CORPO, ROUPAS, ACESSÓRIOS E SKIN não estão incluídos) >>>

Você pode copiar, modificar e transferir essa shape.

Devolvemos seu dinheiro em caso de compra repetida.

Obrigado por visitar minha loja e por sua preferência.